Bent Oak Leagues

Bent Oak golf leagues are a perfect spot to get competitive with your golf game. Sign up today!

bent oak members league

Member’s League

This league is for Bent Oak Members only.


  • May 5 – August 25
  • Mondays at 3, 4, & 5pm
  • 9 holes


  • $80/team league fee
Click for League Details

Three Leagues: Hazards (3:00), Greens (4:00), Fairways (5:00)

Teams: 2-person teams that will play individual, 9-hole match play

  • Both A players will be matched against each other.
  • Both B players will be matched against each other.

Handicap: A 9-hole League Handicap will be established using USGA parameters. 

  • Maximum score on a hole is Net Double Bogey
  • Total Gross Score is to be kept on scorecard
  • All players must play the same tees for the entire season

Subs: Teams are encouraged to use subs as needed. Players are responsible for providing their own sub. If a sub does not have an established handicap, they will play from 0 the first match. Then their score will be used to determine a handicap for future rounds. 

Ghost: If one or both members of a team fail to show for the match, the opponents will play a Ghost Player/Team. Ghost scores are predetermined based on the player’s handicap.

Points: 1 point for each hole won, for a total of 9 points per match; x 2 matches. 18 points. 1 point for winning the match; x 2 matches. 20 points.

Awards: First 8 weeks, Second 8 weeks, and total winners. Cash and Pro Shop credit.

Rules: USGA and local rules apply.

  • Root/Ground Under: Take your nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole, and drop the ball within one club length of that nearest point. No Penalty. 
  • Out-Of-Bounds: Stroke and Distance or Optional Drop in Fairway with 2 stroke penalty.

Weather: Play may be canceled due to weather. The round will not be rescheduled. Cancellation is at the discretion of the course. 

bent oak mens league

Men’s League

This league is for men only.


  • May 6 – August 26
  • Tuesdays at 5:30pm
  • 9 holes


  • $80/team league fee
  • $25 Green/Cart fee
Click for League Details

Teams: 2-man teams that will play individual, 9-hole match play

  • Both A players will be matched against each other.
  • Both B players will be matched against each other.

Handicap: A 9-hole League Handicap will be established using USGA parameters.

  • Maximum score on a hole is Net Double Bogey
  • Total Gross Score is to be kept on scorecard
  • All players must play the same tees for the entire season

Subs: Teams are encouraged to use subs as needed. Players are responsible for providing their own sub. If a sub does not have an established handicap, they will play from 0 the first match. Then their score will be used to determine a handicap for future rounds.

Ghost: If one or both members of a team fail to show for the match, the opponents will play a Ghost Player/Team. Ghost scores are predetermined based on the player’s handicap.

Points: 1 point for each hole won, for a total of 9 points per match; x 2 matches. 18 points. 1 point for winning the match; x 2 matches. 20 points.

Awards: First 8 weeks, Second 8 weeks, and total winners. Cash and Pro Shop credit.

Rules: USGA and local rules apply.

  • Root/Ground Under: Take your nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole, and drop the ball within one club length of that nearest point. No Penalty.
  • Out-Of-Bounds: Stroke and Distance or Optional Drop in Fairway with 2 stroke penalty.

Weather: Play may be canceled due to weather. The round will not be rescheduled. Cancellation is at the discretion of the course.

bent oak ladies league

Ladies League

This league is for women only.


  • May 8 – August 28
  • Thursday’s at 5pm
  • 9 holes


  • $80/team league fee
  • $25 Green/Cart Fee
Click for League Details

Teams: 2-woman teams that will play individual, 9-hole match play

  • Both A players will be matched against each other.
  • Both B players will be matched against each other.

Handicap: A 9-hole League Handicap will be established using USGA parameters.

  • Maximum score on a hole is Net Double Bogey
  • Total Gross Score is to be kept on scorecard
  • All players must play the same tees for the entire season

Subs: Teams are encouraged to use subs as needed. Players are responsible for providing their own sub. If a sub does not have an established handicap, they will play from 0 the first match. Then their score will be used to determine a handicap for future rounds.

Ghost: If one or both members of a team fail to show for the match, the opponents will play a Ghost Player/Team. Ghost scores are predetermined based on the player’s handicap.

Points: 1 point for each hole won, for a total of 9 points per match; x 2 matches. 18 points. 1 point for winning the match; x 2 matches. 20 points.

Awards: First 8 weeks, Second 8 weeks, and total winners. Cash and Pro Shop credit.

Rules: USGA and local rules apply.

  • Root/Ground Under: Take your nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole, and drop the ball within one club length of that nearest point. No Penalty.
  • Out-Of-Bounds: Stroke and Distance or Optional Drop in Fairway with 2 stroke penalty.

Weather: Play may be canceled due to weather. The round will not be rescheduled. Cancellation is at the discretion of the course.

Join a Bent Oak league today!

If you’d like to pay via check or cash, please sign up at the Pro Shop.

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Player 1 Name
Player 2 Name
League Fee Required at Sign Up